Co-owners Jim & Debbie Morrison
Founded Sapsucker Farms in 2000, and introduced Yellow Belly Cider in 2015. Jim is the cider maker and oversees the production facility. His background as a U.S. Naval officer and airline pilot brings the engineering experience needed to keep all of the equipment running smoothly, and construct some pretty ingenious ways to maximize the tiny space we have on the farm. Debbie’s background in marketing also comes in quite handy.

Branding and Creative Director Dan Humphreys
Dan is an outstanding creative and branding talent with an extensive career in developing brands for clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to tiny little start-ups like us. He has developed our whimsical, colorful brand, and created our hand-crafted tap handles.

Nate Robertson, production, and cider-maker,
He is also the man we cannot live without. In addition to helping in our production facility, Nate also has a very keen palate. Whenever we have a new batch of cider in production, if Nate approves of the batch, we know it’s going to be great.

Kizzy Hamilton, Cider Server and Gardener
Always makes you smile. She also seems to know everyone in the entire county. Seriously. Everyone knows and loves Kizzy. You will find her bringing happiness to everyone who stops in the cider barn as she serves up all of our cider barn beverages. She also spends a lot of time getting dirty in the gardens.

Tim Sigurdsen, Cider Server and Farm Hand
Tim is a multi-talented, multi-tasking worker on our farm. He has his own farm where he breeds horses, then helps out here on our farm. You will find Time behind the counter serving cider, as well as helping out with lots of other projects around the farm.

Patti Demuth, Cider Server and Everything Else
Patti joined the team and quickly mastered customer service and the tasks behind the bar. She’s also ready and able to help with any other odd jobs we need done on the farm and there are lots of them. Patti has lived in the local area for many years, and we are happy to have her on the team.

Rana Olson, Cider Server and Event Planner
Rana is most well known in the area as the chocolate maker from Mora Chocolates. She is also a cider server here at the farm, and is always coming up with great ideas for new events here at the cidery.

Bill Ranfranz, Production and Experienced Beer Dude
Bill and his family recently moved to Mora from the Twin Cities. He has a long history and experience in the brewing industry, and has joined our production team.

Frank Olson, Director of Sales and Cider Server
Frank grew up in this area, so he knows the territory very well. Now he travels throughout Greater Minnesota, getting our cider on the shelves and on tap throughout the area. You can also find him behind the bar serving cider.

Dilbert the Drathaar, who thinks he’s a lap dog, and Xena the old, blind and deaf Jack Russel Terrier who thinks she’s a Rottweiler. are regularly on stage with the musicians.