We want to thank you all for your interest in our farm fresh eggs. While we are happy to provide them at a reasonably low purchase price (now $5 per dozen), they are only available here on the farm, during our hours of operation (Friday Noon – 8pm, Saturday Noon – 8pm, Sunday Noon – 6pm) on a first-come-first-serve basis.
We appreciate your enthusiasm and support, however, we kindly request that you do not contact us to find out if eggs are available. Please understand that we have been flooded with phone calls, emails, facebook posts, and messages asking us if eggs are available, and we are just not able to return your phone calls, messages, emails, etc. Please also know that your posts on our facebook page asking this question will be deleted.
Eggs are available to our customers here at the farm on a first-come-first-serve basis during the hours we are open and while supplies last. We appreciate you, and we appreciate your understanding!