Fun at the County Fair and Parade.

Awe shucks, that’s us. We are so honored to be the 2015 Kanabec County Farm Family of the Year. When we moved up here to Mora in 2000, we never dreamed we would have started a farm from scratch and build it up to the farm it is today. It couldn’t have been done without the love and support we have received from this amazing community of Mora.
The highlight of all of the events was being in the Mora parade which is the grand finale for the Kanabec County fair.
This was our float – an antique hay wagon pulled by a 1955 John Deere 70LP

Queued up for the parade

Jim’s sister Meridith joined us on the float too!

Our delightful chauffeur, Lloyd Erickson, owner of the tractor and wagon.

And the parade begins.

And ends at the fair grounds, home of the famous Dala Horse.
A super fun day!