We Want Your Apples

apples on trees

Apple season is here, and we will happily take all of your apples, all varieties. If you have apples that need a home, bring them on by and we will make them into our delicious hard cider.

August 2023 CSA

August CSA harvest includes: peppers, vine-ripened heirloom tomatos, onions, gnarly carrots, eggplant, beets with greens, kale, one item from the grab bag, eggs, and three four packs of beverages.

2023 Minnesota Woman Farmer of the Year Finalist

It was such an honor to nominated as one of five finalists for the 2023 Minnesota Woman Farmer of the Year at Farmfest in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

Farmfest has been happening for over 50 years, where farmers from all over the state of Minnesota come together to share their knowledge, learn from others, see the latest innovations, and get up to date on state and federal farm policies.

This is the third year of the Minnesota Woman Farmer of the Year award. Debbie was nominated by the Kanabec County Extension committee and was chosen as one of five finalist for the honor.

Alma Kubat, an 84-year old legacy farmer from Owatonna was named the 2023 Minnesota Woman Farmer of the Year. The other incredible women are Kari Olson, a corn/soybean farmer from Hawley Minnesota; Rachelle Krienke, a dairy farmer from Lester Prairie Minnesota, and Rachel Gray, a cattle farmers in Black Duck Minnesota. It was a fun day for all.

Saturday July 29th Monarch Butterfly Day

Two educational and fun events on Saturday July 29th.

10:00 AM – FREE EVENT. Learn How To Attract and Nurture Monarch Butterflies.

We welcome Kathleen Pomerleau, also known as the “Butterfly Lady” who has been dedicated to the propagation and preservation of native habitat to protect Monarch Butterflies. See live examples of all of the stages of the Monarch butterfly development and learn what you can do in your own back yard to help this beautiful, endangered species grown and thrive.

4:00 PM Monarch Butterfly Paint & Sip Class $45

Paint along with Debrisware Art at Sapsucker Farms! We will be creating a Monarch Butterfly painting using acrylics on 16″ X 20″ stretched canvas. The monarch and some flowers will be traced onto the canvas for you. Background and flower colors can easily be modified to fit your tastes. Difficulty level is difficult for the butterfly, and fairly easy for the background and flowers. $45/person includes paint, canvas, use of supplies, instruction, and ONE drink of your choice per student.

June 2023 CSA

June 2023 CSA includes: napa cabbage, cabbage, sunflower shoots, bok choy, kohlrabi, radicchio, chard, 3 different kinds of kale, collards, one dozen eggs, three four packs of beverages.

Saturday July 1st 1pm – FREE EVENT – Walk & Talk, Creating Habitat for Birds.

According the American Bird Conservancy, 3 BILLION birds are gone. Birds are declining and they need our help.

Farmer Jim will do a guided walk through the farm and talk about the bird habitats that have been created here at Sapsucker Farms including: bluebirds, tree swallows, chimney swifts, purple martins, hummingbirds, and golden-winged warblers.

Learn about what you can do to create habitat in your own backyard, and best practices for bird feeders.

This is a FREE event, participants will need to dress appropriately for the weather.

FREE EVENT Saturday June 17th 1:00pm – The Wondrous Wold of Bats

a cute bat hanging upside down

THIS IS A FREE EVENT. No need to register ahead of time, just show up and learn all about bats.

Come explore “The Wonderous World of Bats” with Lorrie Cashman, an Environmental Educator, during this family friendly presentation on June 17th at 1:00 pm.

There are many stories, myths and misunderstandings about bats. You may be surprised to learn the important role bats play in all the ecosystems they live.

Join us to learn amazing facts about our Minnesota bats and bats around the world.

We Want your Rhubarb!

We are gearing up to make our 2023 batch of Yellow Belly Rhubarb hard cider, and we need your help! We need all the rhubarb we can get, so if you have extra, drop it off at the cider barn, get your name added to the list and enjoy a glass of fresh, juicy, rhubarb cider on us when it ready!

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