We are surprised, delighted and honored to be name the 2022 Business of the Year by the Mora Area Chamber of Commerce. Thank you to our wonderful community for all of your support. We are so proud to be a member of this incredible community!
October 2022 CSA
Last CSA harvest of the season. Here is what is included. All bags will have:
GINGER ROOT – fresh ginger grown right here. I started the rhizomes back in February, planted them out in the hoop houses in May, and it is now ready to harvest as baby ginger. You can store the ginger in your fridge for several weeks, or you can freeze it.
WINTER SQUASH – you can grab four squash of your choice, they are all piled up in the sugarhouse.
GREENS – a random mix of kale, chard, and collards
BEETS WITH GREENS – a small bunch of baby beets with greens.
HERBS – a random bunch of either thyme, or mint, or parsley
EGGPLANT- there are a couple of different varieties, either the deep purple or a white variety
GREEN TOMATOES – for fried green tomatoes, one of my favorite autumn comfort foods
CUCUMBERS – two or three
PEPPERS – sadly, most of the peppers turned to mush from that super cold snap. Darn. But some survived and randomly placed in some bags
And of course….
EGGS – a carton for everyone
BEVERAGES – three four packs, mix or match as you please – or let me know if you want to substitute maple syrup or honey for the beverages
BONUS – $10 gift card redeemable in the cider barn for anything you desire – this is a token of our appreciation for your ongoing support of our farm!
BLACK BAG – the last bag is yours to keep.
Thank you all so very much for your support of our farm.
Spectacular Autumn Colors.
The sugar maple trees are spectacular. The trails have been mowed and are ready for you to enjoy their vibrant beauty. Then you can relax with a hot toddie in the cider barn. Enjoy this incredible autumn season.
September 2022 CSA
Here is what members will find in their CSA harvest
APPLES – several different varieties of apples, with an equally wide variety of colors, sizes, textures, and juiciness.
GRAPES – These table grapes are nothing like you find in the grocery store. They are small, tart with intense flavors. Some are purple, some red, some white, and the all have seeds. I know at least on variety is concord, but we lost the list of varieties long ago, so I couldn’t tell you what they are. Just that they are really good.
LEEKS – My favorite way of enjoying leeks is potato leek soup. And this is the perfect time of year for soup.
BEETS – I think there will be enough beets for all. I won’t know for sure until I get out there and dig them up…. Hoping that the beet-eating varmints haven’t over taken them, but you will soon find out what’s happening there.
HEIRLOOM TOMATOES – Still have some growing on the tall vines. Looks like most of them are cherry tomatoes, but you’ll find a variety of colors and sizes as well. Be sure to pick them up in the sugarhouse!
PEPPERS – A combination of sweet, hot, big and small.
OREGANO – A bundle of fresh oregano, which is delicious in potato leek soup.
CUCUMBERS – I think there are enough cucumbers ready to harvest. Again, I won’t know for sure until I get out there and harvest them.
GREENS – you can grab a bag of greens of your choice – either collards, Swiss chard, or kale.
EGGS – one dozen from our lovely ladies in the hen spa.
BEVERAGES – three four packs of your choice (mix and match as you please)
The sugar maple trees are starting to turn, the trails have been mowed, so we are looking forward to a beautiful autumn season here on the farm.
Cheers to fall!
September 24th 9am – 12pm – Backyard Fruit Growing and Preserving Workshop
We welcome the University of Minnesota Extension Kanabec County Master Gardeners, along with keynote Annie Klodd and Patras. Complete details about the seminar are listed above. Pre-registration is highly recommended, so be sure to contact the Kanabec County Master Gardener Coordinator’s Office 320-679-6440 or email coordinator@co.kanabec.mn.us.
Cider Dinner at Leader – Tuesday Sept. 27th
We are delighted to be collaborating with the iconic Leader Restaurant in Cambridge to bring you this special event. Enjoy four different Yellow Belly ciders paired with incredible food specially prepared for this event. Tickets are $75 – PURCHASE TICKETS HERE.
August 2022 CSA Harvest
Here is what CSA Members will find in the August CSA bag:
APPLES – (Please wash first) four different varieties of early season apples: Zestar, Norland, Beacon, and Irish Peach. Some are crunchy and juicy, some are soft and juicy.
VINE-RIPENED HEIRLOOM TOMATOES – heirloom tomatoes are beautifully ugly. Some are the perfect-looking tomato, but most are lumpy, striped, or even sometimes looking like your favorite cartoon character. What’s most important to note is that they are very delicate, with thin skin, so it easily cracks. But so what. They are juicy, sweet, and absolutely delicious.
GNARLY CARROTS – I’ve never been a very good carrot farmer. I’ve never been successful growing the perfect, long, cylindrical carrots, but rather, I just let them do their own thing. The result is quite an entertaining variety of wild-looking carrots, much like what you would see in a Picasso painting. Anyhoo…. You’ll find a bag of crazy looking carrots, but they are crunchy, juicy, and sweet.
THYME – An earthy herb to add to any of your favorite savory dishes.
CUCUMBERS – Yup. You know what do do with these.
PEPPERS – A mix of sweet and hot peppers.
BEETS – A nice bundle of these healthy roots, full of antioxidants
CABBAGE – You’ll find either a red, green, or cone-head shaped cabbage in your bag.
GRAB BAG – Grab an item of your choice from the grab bag bin. You can also exchange an item if you prefer.
ONE DOZEN EGGS – The ladies in the hen house are slowly starting to get back on track, so I’m happy to say that eggs will be available this month.
BEVERAGES – three four packs of your choice.
Enjoy these last days of summer. It sure is beautiful, and we hope to see you here on the farm to enjoy the food trucks, music, classes, and whatever else we have going on.
See Us at the Minnesota State Fair.
While at the Minnesota State Fair, stop by Giggle’s Campfire Cafe’ and refresh yourself with a Yellow Belly Juicy Apple cider, along with an order of their famous Walleye bites. Cheers to the Great Minnesota Get Together!
Saturday 8/27 1pm – 3pm Monarchs and Milkweed (Free Class)
FREE CLASS. Join local backyard conservation advocate, Jen Telander of Mora, for a family friendly educational walk around the farm to learn about Monarch butterflies and milkweed. We will explore the trails for signs of Monarchs and other pollinators with hands-on learning about conservation in your own backyard. Take home a packet of milkweed seeds for your own gardens!
(CLASS FULL) Saturday August 20th 1pm – 3pm – Foraging for Wild Mushrooms Class (Free).
REGISTRATION FOR CLASS IS FULL We welcome mushroom expert Kathy Yerich to the farm. She will be doing a presentation about foraging for mushrooms, and we will take a walk on the trails of our 172 acres to see what we can find.
“Start Seeing Mushrooms” Co-author of the popular and accessible local field guide, Mushrooms of the Upper Midwest (Adventure Publications, 1st Ed. 2014, 2nd Edition 2020), Kathy Yerich has been hanging out with the Minnesota Mycological Society (MMS) and
North American Mycological Society (NAMA) for more than 15 years. Current MMS Vice President, her mission in those organizations is to make learning about mushrooms fun and accessible to everyone! Annual NAMA forays have brought her around the country in search of interesting fungi. Like mushrooms, mushroom enthusiasts are interesting company, and no matter the location or time of year, nothing beats time in the woods.